Did you ever wonder what if the past atmospheric history of our planet is engraved in cryospheric archives? Deposits of ancient and extremely clean ice may indeed be revealing its secrets to us. A remarkable study, that formulates a possible answer to the landscape maintenance and allows an insight into an important past event – the mysterious sudden drop in atmospheric CO₂ around the year 1610 – represents one of the most polarising findings in the Earth sciences of the past decade. In a time characterised by rapidly changing environment and uncertain political decisions, the story of this puzzling event opens a debate that might cast a different spotlight on the global warming events of our contemporary times. A lone prominent drop of atmospheric CO2 over the past 2000 years Each of the colour-coded lines illustrates the record of the past 2000 years in terms of carbon dioxide concentration – a measure for the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere from living biosphere and its carbon-capture plants.
Was this precipitous fall in CO₂ caused by the massive depopulation of the Americas in the aftermath of colonial contact in the 1500s? This is a question scientists have thought about for centuries. The hyper-trend, the logic goes, was caused by re-vegetation in the Americas that resulted from a drastic reduction in population following European-imported diseases that decimated Indigenous peoples across the globe. The hyper-trend suggested the beginning of a new geological epoch characterised by humans’ impact on Earth called the Anthropocene.
The pursuit to solve this ‘missing piece’ eventually led scientists to the icy expanse of Antarctica. There, they found answers hidden within the limits of two ice cores, one from Law Dome in East Antarctica, and the other from West Antarctica. The dramatic drop-off in CO₂ at Law Dome caused chronological and feasibility worries, whereas the measured lowering at the West Antarctic ice suggested a more complicated narrative.
A drill as large as a house fashioned a new ice core in 2018, this time from the Skytrain Ice Rise, by the British Antarctic Survey and the University of Cambridge. They hoped they might capture more detail about that 1610 CO₂ decline. The core, 651 metres long, returned a tube of ice, a sort of time capsule with bubbles of air from thousands of years ago.
Analysis in the UK then revealed a more gradual decline in CO₂ than had been evident before in the northern-hemisphere record, and closer to the West Antarctic record. This implied that the Law Dome spike might be an exception to the longer history of carbon dioxide, and not a foretaste of our own future.
To provide additional verification, the team then took another analytical approach by looking at methane concentrations, which is less soluble in water than CO₂ and provides a better signal. The results clearly showed the gentler CO₂ decline, invalidating the sharp drop in the Law Dome data.
So, what about the mystery of the dip in the Law Dome data at 1610? Is that an artebatis SHARP of our own future.
SHARP should be taken as an adjective qualifying ‘decline’, describing the shape of the decline in atmospheric CO₂, and should be interpreted naïvely in the sense of the sharpness of the peak of the decline as it appears on the Law Dome record. The appearance of SHARP changes is of course crucial in climate science: they are the only objective basis for inferences about (ancient) climatic influences (natural or anthropogenic).
To summarise, the story of how scientists have reconstructed our planet’s climatic past (as seen in the history of CO₂ levels in Antarctic ice cores) demonstrates the complex relationship between human history and Earth’s atmospheric evolution. As we uncover more details, we are reminded that we live on a planet that is inextricably altered by human activity, and that scientific enquiry is key to better understanding that connection.
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