In the darkest back corners of the Universe, in search of the ultimate building blocks of existence, scientists are closing in on the stuff that holds the cosmos together. At the heart of this cosmic mystery is the existence of dark matter, one of the most confounding conundrums of modern physics, which has been dogging physicists since the 1930s. This story takes us to the edges of our current understanding of the physical world: to laboratories like the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, where experiments seek to unravel the shadows hiding the Universe’s missing mass.
These galaxies were whirling around so rapidly that their observed visible matter didn’t seem capable of retaining the galaxies together with its gravitational pull. To resolve the puzzle, the Dutch astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky proposed the existence of invisible matter to explain the missing gravitational power. He dubbed this hypothetical substance ‘dark matter’. Since that time, astrophysical research has been dominated by the quest to unravel this mysterious substance, which is estimated to make up some 85 per cent of the visible universe. Although the presence of dark matter has been well-established, its full properties remain one of the most fundamental questions in physics.
Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and axions dominate the dark-matter landscape. Theoretical milestones predicting their existence provided powerful solutions to the missing matter problem. Over the past few decades, decades of searches for these grandest of missing ingredients in particle physics (along with smaller particles, much less theoretically motivated) have, so far, turned up nothing definite. In 2018, driven more by what we haven’t observed than by what computers suggest, physicists began to consider a range of objects beyond WIMPs and axions.
And the growing awareness that dark matter might not be a unified thing, but could include a whole zoo of lighter, feebly interacting particles, has driven certain new classes of candidates to the fore. ‘Light dark matter’ and ‘ultralight dark matter’ essentially represent a paradigm shift – a different way of thinking about how the cosmos might actually be missing so much mass. Because of their ultra-feebly interacting nature, some of these models (particularly the ultralight ones) are more difficult to detect than even the ‘beastly’ weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that were once considered the most promising dark matter candidates.
To search for such particles, a number of new experimental efforts are being developed across the world. In the US, the Department of Energy’s Dark Matter New Initiations programme is leading efforts to develop novel, fast-track dark-matter experiments that might finally reveal the nature of dark matter. These efforts range from small, rapid-response experiments to ambitious international collaborations that explore new territory.
The most promising of these efforts, a proposed experiment called the Light Dark Matter Experiment (LDMX) at SLAC, aims to detect the light dark matter particles by measuring how they scatter off electrons. An experiment like this is exactly the kind of nimble, mission-focused experiment that could soon provide major new insights into the nature of dark matter.
At the same time, a search for a component of dark matter that is not only light but also very light (as in, borrowing a term from high-energy physics), too low in mass to have been considered until now, is underway. These new axionlike particles, if they do indeed exist, would provide a new window into the dark sector of the cosmos. Scientists at Stanford University’s DM Radio experiment, as well as at the ADMX-EFR, are working to detect the tiny, elusive signals of these ghostly new particles.
Central to all these experiments, though, is the idea of force – the mechanism by which the particles in the Universe interact with each other. Whether it’s gravity, or electromagnetic interactions, or another as-yet undiscovered force, dark matter might well be caused by interactions between force-carrying particles. If we could find novel ways to detect these interactions, perhaps that would be the key to discovering dark matter.
The hunt for dark matter, from WIMPs to ultralight particles, showcases the endlessly evolving nature of question-asking. As we gather more data about our universe and its underlying structure we are reminded of the vast complexity and depth that lies beyond our reach. We are also reminded, however, of how much more we stand to discover as separate experiments and observations guide us towards a better understanding of the force that ties our universe together. In time, this in turn will revolutionise our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it.
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