It’s a simple reminder that the physical hinges of the monetary machine are still susceptible to jams, albeit ones increasingly caused by digits. On a mild Monday morning, the New York Stock Exchange [NYSE] found itself falling down a digital wormhole. Amid the mayhem, Google sat front-and-centre.
Sometimes even stocks considered to be the very definition of a blue chip – the highest-quality companies, judged worthy of the highest valuation – will trade at prices discounted by a staggering 99 per cent, before 10:00 AM ET. Google, a virtual titan of the tech and finance worlds, was among them. Also trading at a 99 per cent discount were other giants such as Amazon and Microsoft.
Quickly acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, the NYSE issued a statement confirming the glitch, and plunged into an investigation, confirming that, thankfully, no trades actually occurred at these insane prices. That glitch was swiftly followed by another one on the NASDAQ, calling into question the security and reliability of the tech infrastructure that supports these massive financial institutions.
The glitch – for a few minutes, anyway – shined a surreal light on Google and other mega-caps, reminding even them that even the mightiest of market participants can be brought low by a technical glitch. Since then, the NYSE has loudly assured the public that it will do what it can to avoid such a problem in the future, particularly when it comes to market integrity and maintaining continuous trading.
The ghosts of the glitch remind us that the financial sector must fortify itself with infallible systems and insurance policies But as firms like Google grow further embedded in the global financial fabric, the fallout from technical meltdowns is growing bigger – not least because they are starting to encroach more intimately on broader financial life. It’s prompted a renewed clamour for bullet-proofing the markets to technological hacks.
Since the glitch, the NYSE has been making strenuous efforts to shore up its defences, taking precautions designed to prevent the same thing happening again. The incident serves as a stark reminder that the tech infrastructure of financial markets is never done, and always needs to get better.
For technology firms like Google, such episodes emphasised the need to have strong internal controls and work more closely with banks to smooth over the kinks that can come from the intersection of tech and finance. As the guardians of both industries, each has a special role to play in thwarting market disruptions from technical hiccups.
However, Google (which launched its initial public offering in August 2004) was not immune to the financial storms, even though its name is both a verb and arguably the most innovative of the new digital companies, penetrating many aspects of daily life, from the search engine to - despite its ultimate failure - becoming a major player in finance.
The New York Stock Exchange glitch was largely just that: a cautionary tale, an electronic malfunction of the financial market’s black box. The technology, imperfect though it might be, is here to stay, but the mirage of an orderly, transparent financial system, in which the powerful are beyond reproach and suffer no consequences for their misdeeds, has been reduced to rubble, much of which is in the hands of the authorities.
And as Google and other global tech giants, with their vast data farms and burgeoning global financial systems, loom larger, the echoes of this glitch seem to resonate more profoundly. They tell us more clearly about the necessity of resilience, diligence and adaptive design to discover how best to respond when the next digital quagmire, unforeseen by anyone at the time, encircles an unsuspecting market.
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