Every extra millisecond counts, and now Google has come up with another way to make the user experience better with its flagship browser, Chrome, by pursuing a couple of innovative ideas about how cookies could be managed – and, in the process, making online browsing smoother and faster. In this article, I’ll discuss how Google’s latest cookie-management changes affect cookies’ privacy value, and how they are essentially about speed, both to make browsing quicker overall, and to advance the performance of Chrome – and other Chromium-based browsers like Vivaldi, or Microsoft Edge.
Central to Google Chrome’s acceleration is ‘Shared Memory Versioning’, a feature developed by Google and designed to enhance the speed with which browser cookies are loaded. According to Google’s engineers, inefficiencies in the handling of cookies can contribute to a slowing of web pages. These inefficiencies result from repeated requests for the same cookies and resources, requiring the browser to allocate memory for these requests each time.
Through its testing, Google found that 87 per cent of such cookie accesses were redundant, with some sites seeking the same cookie data hundreds of times per second. Coping with all that data, without changing the way most of the web works, was proving tricky. Shared Memory Versioning was a seminal new architecture that enabled the elimination of redundant requests between the browser’s subcomponents for reading or writing a cookie.
Shared Memory Versioning is an architectural change to Google’s Chrome browser, not a mere under-the-hood tweak. In particular, because it limits the cookies-fetching, Google Chrome can now also raise throughput for rendering web pages – especially pages with many forms and storage-dependent elements – by up to 5 per cent across all platforms. That’s not impressive on its own, but it helps to add up to all of the other performance enhancements that have been released for Chromium projects.
After all, in the modern cold fusion of the web, speed is of the essence. Nearly everyone in the world who can access the internet uses it to accomplish a range of tasks on any given day. And if the web were a country, Google Chrome (sometimes just Chrome) would be not just the window to the web, but a developing operating system for a burgeoning cloud of web applications. Google understands that, as the browser increasingly performs more tasks, the combat for resources is inevitable.
The focus of Google’s technical talk about changing how Chrome leverages Shared Memory Versioning isn’t just technical: it’s about improving the user experience. A few more milliseconds saved on page load times aren’t just a few very small seconds you’ll never know you’ve saved, but are instead about making the user experience smoother and letting the pages you visit flow a little better as they load into view. When Google Chrome is running in tandem with the rest of your machine, causing and responding to CPU interactions, taxing your system’s memory, and navigating its own internal queuing mechanisms, turning these millisecond loads into fractions of a millisecond can really help you along.
Google Chrome’s latest update is a minor one, but not a minor feat for Google. It reflects the company’s effort not only to improve its own products, but to improve the internet as a whole. Chrome now handles the inelegant chore of how browsers interpret and manage cookies more efficiently than any browser has previously been able to do. Anyone using Chrome benefits directly, and Chrome’s thriving family of cousins, all Chromium-powered browsers, benefit, too. What Google is doing here is setting another benchmark of what a browser can accomplish. Consider: the endeavour involves ignoring the syntax of HTML and fiddling with the complex set of rules that govern how web browsers can store data on your computer, how the browser can access and understand that data, and how long it may persist. By going to these difficulties, Google proclaims itself as an internet pioneer, setting yet another benchmark in the competition between browsers.
Google’s name has been synonymous with innovative technology that helped to change the world. From the time it started out, almost two decades ago, as a search engine, to its current multi-product universe encompassing Chrome and much more, the company has been at the forefront of digital evolution. This is largely due to the company’s commitment to improvement and adjustment, as demonstrated in its latest iteration of Chrome. The company’s engineers are working to make the web more secure, faster and accessible to everyone.
Overall, while this might seem like a small and unexciting change in Google Chrome’s technical underpinnings, better cookie handling through Shared Memory Versioning, which is a byproduct of improved performance, demonstrates the power of obsessing over the little details to make significant improvements in users’ experiences. As Google continues to refine, evolve and build upon these technologies, users can expect continued improvements toward an internet that is not only faster and more powerful, but also smoother and more enjoyable. Obsessively crafting better tools for the future of the web is what makes Google Chrome continue to lead the charge on browser innovation.
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