In a world where days have a tendency to blend into one another, to be indistinguishable from each other’, as novelist David Mitchell once put it, the new puzzle game Connections published by the New York Times comes as a welcome relief of cognitive exercise and play. Connect With yourself while connecting with others Hot on the trail of the Wordle viral hit, Connections brings an entertaining daily dose of brainstrain, but with the twist of… of… of what exactly? Well, that’s what this guide is here for. If you’d like to learn the basics of playing Connections, and if you might be stuck and in need of a prompt, here it is. This guide aims not just to introduce you to the game, but to help you win it every time by providing tips, hints and the correct answer for today.
At its simplest, Connections calls on you to try and solve the following puzzle. You’re given a grid of 16 words, and told to draw four sets of four words out of them, which are linked by a subtle kind of connection. You might be asked to match words by shades of RED, or by the names of popular video game franchises. You get points for logic, and for how much Googling you do.
It is scaled to offer different levels of challenge with the considerations grouped in coloured categories (the least problematic ones, according to the colour code, are in yellow, progressing through green, blue, up to the most challenging, purple).
For those who spent time wrestling with today’s puzzle and craved a conclusion, or for anyone who wants to see the way theory can be turned into practice, today’s solutions provide clues that illuminate the mysterious process of puzzle-solving. Yet without doubt the best part of Connections is in the hunt for those links.
And remember: the fun of Connections is that the set of words and themes changes every day. Tomorrow’s puzzle is a different beast, and it will test your dexterity in a different way. If today left you feeling bullied, you can console yourself that tomorrow you’ll have your revenge.
This pendant hanging from an ear lobe is a colourful tour-de-force of the game’s main elements. There are the gold and silver nuggets, along with a red tassel. The tassel is key. It marks this pendant as an item of continental origin, and associates it with colour. Without the RED tassel, the pendant might never have attracted the attention it did. In the collections of,上海Previes A37558 and A37206,上海Escort 154966 上海419论坛YZ上海论坛CP上海千花网MK延长女神上海夜网DY上海24445115上海水磨会所SS上海千花网MC上海龙凤419ZJ上海夜网MG上海二级黄网站NB龙凤419LV上海千花网KU上海龙凤,上海贵族宝贝52
And that, in a nutshell, is what the Connections game is all about; it’s a daily opportunity to reinvent the infinite connections that shape our world: do you like red? Well, I like red too. But then, do you like words? Sometimes, Connections is red, sometimes it is about the nuances of words, sometimes it is about the minds that create words; sometimes all three. Connections, in game terms, is a daily challenge, a way to keep sharp and alert, to be curious. And by solving one puzzle at a time, one day at a time, you will reveal not just the answers but the intricate system of connectivity among words and ideas that bind all of us together.
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