Of all the languages currently available for use in programming, one stands out. It’s the language praised for its safety, speed and support network like no other, a language that – after being created at Mozilla – has risen to become the darling of developers, winning the top spot in the Stack Overflow surveys as the most loved programming language in two consecutive years. What do we have here? Why that one? What makes it stand out from the pack?
Rust’s story began in 2010 as a project of Mozilla Research, conceived by Graydon Hoare with Brendan Eich, an early inventor and once CEO of Mozilla. It was designed to be a systems programming language that’s safe, concurrent and practical – without a bunch of slowdowns and other costs of safety and concurrency. In fact, Rust was designed to do better.
Central to Rust’s philosophy is memory safety. Rust’s innovative ownership and borrowing mechanisms change the way memory is managed and fundamentally alter the nature of memory safety checks: by placing memory safety checks at compile time, rather than runtime, Rust avoids the majority of common issues found in memory-unsafe languages, such as null pointer dereferences and data races.
Rust’s combination of high performance with memory safety is historic Since Rust is statically typed, it also compiles to machine code, running as fast as C++ programs, but with a guarantee of safety.
With multi-core processors now the norm, concurrency is super-important. It’s no coincidence that using Rust’s ownership and borrowing mechanisms makes it easy to build concurrent code that’s safe and fast. The standard library supports Rust’s concurrency model with a wide range of concurrency primitives that developers can use in building today’s (and tomorrow’s) applications.
Rust takes error handling to another level of expressiveness and usability. To meet its ambitious goals, the language provides developers with a set of features that make it easy to handle errors effectively: a powerful type system that helps with invariants, typed errors, and the Result type. All these tools taken together make it easier to describe errors succinctly and clearly, and thus helps developers find and fix them.
Rust has one of the most vibrant and dynamic communities you’ll find. An army of dedicated developers contributes to evolving the language as well as offering support to other developers, and helps to maintain an ever-enlarging suite of libraries and frameworks, which is also contributing to a supportive and nurturing environment for those starting out as well as seasoned developers.
Mozilla, Amazon and Microsoft have all adopted Rust Rust hasn’t achieved this success by accident, or by targeting only one set of applications in one industry. It is already being used in applications that are as varied as operating systems, web browsers, machine learning frameworks and implantable medical devices. The breadth of these applications represents a large amount of code, and a large number of people who’ve found Rust useful in their programming jobs.
For large-scale operations like Amazon’s, memory safety is an enormously important part of Rust’s promise to improve the safety of our algorithms and systems. With Rust’s memory safety, performance and concurrency advantages, Amazon can run its unfathomably large-scale and complex systems with the efficiency and consistency necessary to continue adding new features, products and services at lightning speed without putting the entire system at risk. Rust is what allows us to do this.
Rust stands as a unique compromise between safety, performance and community that has scarce equals in a developer’s tool chest. Its design choices address many of the key problems production programming faces today, and we’ve barely seen the tip of its application possibilities. As Rust’s toolbox becomes more fully equipped every day, it rises to an obvious choice of future development’s anchor language.
Rust, which has undergone a long and unwavering commitment to innovation and safety, gave developers a new hacking tool, but more than that, it created a community of people thinking about what could be done in programming and taking unexpected risks in the name of what would best solve future problems. So as this language grows, propelled by its enthusiastic community and users of the technology, Rust hints at what the future of programming might look like.
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