The New York Times daily crossword is the tyrannosaurus rex of verbal puzzles and brain teasers, even as millions of players attack, chat and surrender their lunches to its piecemeal, pedantic challenge of endless improbable knowledge. That’s why every word geek or player of Soduko or other solvable adventures should also love The Mini, its tiny, scrappy brother – a fast-acting synapse zapper that presents an alliterative roundhouse punch to the more sweated-over goliath.
In contrast with its more demanding, larger sibling, The Mini is designed to be quick and short to fill. There are often no more than a couple of clues, so you might as well treat this daily puzzle as a speed-running contest. Minis seem to attract puzzle geeks with an itch to hone their lightning instincts and rapid resolving.
The Mini’s design recognises that today’s puzzle-solver is the sort who likes both the chase and the solve – the nervous thrill of a clue that won’t give, and the triumphant relief of a solve pulled off in the nick of time – much like those other favourite digital puzzles Wordle and Connections. But that’s a big part of The Mini’s appeal – because every clue solved is a win rescued from the jaws of aggravation.
On a Saturday, 19 October 2024, solvers were confronted with clues in everything from the legal field to pop culture references — try ‘Lawyer’s assignment’ for the two-letter answer ‘Case’ or the last name of the singer Ariana Grande as the answer to her clue. Knowing that The Mini contains clues they know and love ensures that it remains as much a speed-puzzle as a knowledge-puzzle.
It’s rare in this digital era that a game as liable as The Mini to being unappreciated – and ultimately unnoticed – thrives in an environment free of any underlying gameplay cynicism. In a world full of digital games, The Mini distinguishes itself most when it offers its players an intellectually satisfying experience at the end of a day that has offered us anything but. It’s an individual distraction in a world filled with games such as Mahjong and Sudoku, games with almost identical rulesets that stand alongside the free crosswords available on sites such as Mashable, but that find their niche nonetheless in their blend of speed and quick-play challenge paired with the gold standard of journalism that is The New York Times.
As a nod to pop culture, and to the celebrity endorsement of Kamala Harris by Taylor Swift, part of the lyrics ‘I am the dad that never wanted to leave baby alone/I am the cat lady, because I swear I’m not a fever/I am the widow, who’s not afraid of the sight of a body/’ from This Is Me Trying (2020) would get solvers to the answer Cat Lady. What this example shows us is how contemporary trivia can be woven into the fabric of The Mini over time.
The Mini exists at the forefront of innovation within tradition. It offers a simple, speedy fix. In the world of crosswords, as in life, change and novelty are required for sustained enjoyment.
At the centre of one of The Mini’s clues is a reference to the ‘Cat Lady’, a knowing reference not only to Taylor Swift’s well-publicised herd of felines but to the entire culture of cat-keeping. Cat culture is all the soap-themed, fridge- magnet-shaped, puzzle-orientated, trivia-heavy stuff; but more than this, cats are permitted as pets across much of the world, melodramatically aloof and disdainful, yet playful and touchingly cuddly, adoring and adored in return, providing us with endless wonder and mirth. It’s not saccharine, then but subtle and kind to recognise a cat in The Mini. It adds to the pleasurable experience of solving this tight, little puzzle.
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