With the Oculus Rift, which many consider the beginning of the modern VR era, virtual reality has become a whirlwind of imagination, innovation and evolution. We’re press the boundaries of what is possible and creating new means to express human experience. Palmer Luckey, an Oculus founder and VR visionary, has swirled the VR world into a frenzy again, with rumours of a new secretive VR headset.
The Oculus Rift, which emerged out of a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, represented a vision of what VR could be; that is to say, the story of its development became a symbol for what the tech could achieve, and that’s what caught Facebook’s – now Meta’s – attention when it gobbled up Oculus in a way that has since become symbolic of investment in the medium itself. For all the subsequent troubles (as Oculus’s vision for VR met its master’s) – not least the peculiarly dogged insistence that the company’s touch technology felt like touch, which might never translate into feeling like … touching anything, really – the brand has exerted a pull on the course of VR development that has been undeniable.
With an air of intrigue and a flair for the dramatic, Luckey posted to X (previously Twitter) that he would ‘announce the next gen of the HMD that started the Category at AWE.’ Both Luckey’s announcement and ‘the Bit that puts the machine in the Matrix for real’ have a way of reigniting his zeal for VR and hold the promise of the next big step in immersion.
This becomes clear in Luckey’s shock departure from Meta in 2017 as disagreements over where Oculus was headed reached boiling point. In a blog post in 2018, ‘Free isn’t cheap enough’, he railed against those selling VR headsets for prices ‘in the $20 to $40 range’. He was concerned not with competing on price but ensuring that the only choice for consumers was to buy a high-quality, innovative product. It is a reminder that the debate over what it will take for VR to reach a mass market is far from over.
The market today is a patchwork of propositions: there’s the mega-premium Apple Vision Pro; there are the lower-cost, standalone Meta offerings via the Quest; there’s the still lower-cost, console-supported PSVR2 from Sony; and there are the midrange products such as the just-announced HTC Vive XR Elite. Each is attempting to capture a shade of the market, only some of them with any commercial success, but none so far with an ability to break through to the mass market.
No less than Apple, if its name continues to be dropped into conversation in an ever-more crowded sphere. Like Luckymodel, Apple is offering a next-generation VR/AR (augmented reality) headset under the preliminary moniker of ‘Reality’. It’s a testament to the heady stakes and ambitions that consumer electronics titans have for this next iterative wave of consumer VR that Apple is expected to set the bar that their competitors, including pioneers such as Luckey, will either need to obliterate or one-up.
Luckey’s rivals in the VR industry are currently holding their breath for his next big VR headset reveal. Will there finally be a mainstream application for virtual reality? What exactly will it take for these systems to come to the masses? Something revolutionary, something inexpensive, some kind of killer application – or maybe all of the above? We shall see. But for now, you can bet the next generation of VR trailblazers – in many cases, the next Luckeys – are out there cooking up new ideas and bringing them into reality.
Apple has weighed the landscape with the launch of its own VR device. For VR enthusiasts the era of ‘Apple: it just works’ and the higher standards such a slogan implies, can’t come soon enough. When you hear that Apple’s first ‘reality’ headset is code-named ‘N301’ (Reality, so you get it), you realise that these people are not playing around. With a reputation for pushing leading-edge technology into mass-market products and raising aesthetic, ergonomic and overall user-experience standards, Apple will reshape the VR landscape, as it did smartphones. For VR as a technology to survive, Apple needs to produce a device that captures the mainstream imagination. And when that happens, it will have flows-on for other companies that will need to match Apple in their VR product development, as well as copy other aspects of the tech giant’s business practices.
And as a whole, the VR industry is at a precipice, with early innovators such as Palmer Luckey and titans of industry such as Apple carving out paths that could yet open up this new age. Looking into the future, one thing is certain: innovation, with passion, will continue to drive VR forward, blurring the line that separates the virtual from the real.
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