From the long-running world of video gaming, a new hero comes to explore breathtaking frontiers of digital entertainment. Shovel Knight will be taking gamers on another adventure this year, and it will be a story that both honours the past and takes the successful series to completely new bounds. Let’s take a closer look at how Yacht Club Games is creating a sequel that aims to reshape our gaming minds.
Ten years on, and as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Shovel Knight saga, the studio team apparently spent four years imagining its next full-fledged game. ‘[We’re] going to try something new with the gameplay mechanics,’ says its founder, Sean Velasco, who is sparse with details, but has teased that they’re working on a ‘bold new adventure’. What form that bold shift into the unknown might take remains to be seen – Velasco’s comments, and the vague title Shovel Knight Dig, suggest that the series’ hero might finally be taking the leap into 3D – or at least a new 2D design.
This new title isn’t just a transmediumal breakthrough: its echoes, call-backs and easter eggs are a dense, multi-layered collaboration with its own history. With each fresh hint baked into a previous entry, Rare encourages the audience to play armchair clairvoyant, working their way from a pixelate past back through time to make predictions about the future.
And just in time for the announcement of it all, Yacht Club Games released the definitive edition of Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX, a version of the original that puts the eras together, with all the extras of the games that followed, including online co-op, a character selection screen, and other quality-of-life improvements.
The studio also announced the final expansion packs for Shavel Knight Dig and Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, ‘Wicked Wishes’ and the ‘Paradox Pack’ respectively, which promise to further expand the sprawling world of Shovel Knight, introducing new characters, new challenges and, as promised, finally add multiplayer online support to Pocket Dungeon.
But Yacht Club isn’t a company to sit on its laurels: its reveal of a new game called Mina: The Hollower, a top-down horror adventure that diverts the studio’s talents away from the shovelhead hero and onto something that feels purely from the developer’s hand, hip and distinctive, while keeping the same feeling of ingenuity and delight.
Yacht Club Games slowly leads its community into expansion with goodies from merchandising collaborations, like a crossover with Ubisoft’s For Honor or even Brawlhalla. Shovel Knight is often one of the first to start trends.
But the studio has maintained its creative independence, gradually expanding its design language into new genres and gameplay dimensions that are inventive and inspired, while respectfully using its heritage as a springboard for future development.
If the coming years are any indication, the studio behind Shovel Knight isn’t done giving us adventures to love just yet. If the company is already a world-beater on a modest budget and scale, Yacht Club Games deserves to be challenged hard – it distinguishes itself by being more than just a cut-rate retro remanufacturer. It’s also more than the sum of its already-magnificent parts, a company so dedicated to raw storytelling, innovative gameplay, heart and humility that it seems to be crafting legacies as though its childhood memories depended upon it – which, in some ways, they might as well.
With Shovel Knight preparing to pull on his armour for another record-breaking expedition, we don’t know what that might entail. What new spatial dimension and new enemies will we encounter? What studio will be the next to challenge itself to create the most throwback-y game we’ve seen in a different genre? I can’t wait to find out.
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