When AMAZON GAMES made its debut in the MMO genre with New World, players the world over were hungry for new worlds, especially ones that offered more fast-paced action and dynamism than existing fare. While from the start many of us felt like the island of Aeternum was missing something, now AMAZON GAMES has announced the definitive edition for New World, and they’re rebranding it accordingly so we can all tread that island’s jagged shores anew. And that’s exactly what this new game, New World: Aeternum, will offer come 15 October 2024, when it officially launches. It’s about time, isn’t it?
You are invited back to the enchanted isles of Aeternum, now filled with a world of lore, cinematic-quality stories, and lands waiting to be discovered. ‘New World: Aeternum’ is much more than a re-release of the original game, but a re-imagining of the best of what the game originally released with, and a fresh start for a new generation of PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5 players.
Beneath it all, AMAZON GAMES rebuilt its storytelling with improved dialogue and in-game and pre-rendered cinematics designed to make players feel more deeply immersed in the history of Aeternum. Returning players and newcomers await an experience that’ll delight with the first-ever large-scale PvP zone, a challenging 10-player raid, and new solo end-game trials that players will train for.
There’s a thread of rebirth at the core of New World: Aeternum. AMAZON GAMES has repurposed storylines, dialogue and visual storytelling to a world that’s both visually beautiful and filled with lore and character.
For those who relish the kill-or-be-killed atmosphere, the massive new PvP zone and 10-person raid will provide an entirely new level of teamwork and battlefield strategy, while new end-game solo trials provide an opportunity for player-killers to find their calling anywhere on New Bretagne.
But, if you are feeling adventurous enough, passage to ‘New World: Aeternum’ can be preordered now: a Standard Edition priced at $59.99 and a Deluxe Edition priced at $79.99 (with mount and armour skins included), making the trek to Aeternum easier and more tempting than ever.
Like so many others who spent countless hours exploring the shores and forests of Aeternum, upon hearing ‘New World: Aeternum’, I’ve been filled with a desire to go back. It won’t be the same game, or even the same world I traversed, but I’m already curious about the storytelling and cinematic additions they’ve promised, and how players will explore their new world atop semi-magical steeds, instead of having to deal with the long, boring trek back to civilisation. Truly, there’s not a day that goes by when something isn’t retooled. AMAZON GAMES won’t keep its promise that this version would feel different to every player who would try it. They can, however, deliver content that solves some of the biggest complaints made about the original, and make it look and feel brand new to us all.
Now, “New World: Aeternum” asks players to escape into a more polished version of this world, with all the exploration promise of the New World and all the polish and ceremony of an MMO – and with the rest of the community, if you so choose.
The large-scale PvP-centric zone and the new raids that “Aeternum: New World” encourages foster and celebrate both collaboration and healthy competition, which is a recipe for an exciting and dynamic environment.
Its development of New World and its family of games illustrates that AMAZON is not simply a massive retailer trying its luck at gaming, but dedicated to providing the highest quality entertainment experiences – whether they come from AMAZON’s own in-house studio for gaming or locations around the world where fans can explore new gaming worlds. New World: Aeternum, the latest release by AMAZON GAMES, reaffirms AMAZON’s seriousness about MMO gaming, presenting a new gaming world that is a living, changing landscape for players.
New World: Aeternum is coming up to its definitive edition on 15 October 2024. Releasing on a new page of history, New World: Aeternum is not only improving the original gameplay but also expanding a new horizon for AAA MMORPGs. Jump in the adventure, for the completely new world is already on your doorstop. This definitive edition is coming up to the new world. Come along with AMAZON GAMES and witness the changes.
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