In the drama of the heavens, a data-intensive tale that eludes astronomical theory is unfolding. Astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile spotted indications that a very large star skipped past the expected dramatic spectacle of a supernova explosion and disappeared into a black hole anonymity. This story, unfolding for the curious binary star system known as VFTS 243 in the Magellanic Cloud, might help to explain why some stars vanish with far less fuss than expected.
One of the two giant stars in VFTS 243, thought to have 25 times the mass of the Sun, had pulled a disappearing act and vanished – an ending that astronomers considered too surprising and too abrupt to be possible. Direct stellar ‘collapse’ to a black hole just didn’t fit their understanding of how stars died.
What makes this star’s disappearance so interesting is that it didn’t go out with a bang. A massive star should explode in a brilliant supernova at the end of its life, blasting its outer layers away. But this star instead seems to have ‘fallen in’, disappearing silently, as if into a black hole.
Over many years, the global avidity of the VLT’s mirror tracked the decline of VFTS 243’s companion star, revealing the mass and destiny of its vanished sibling – directly collapsed, as suspected.
But according to the paper’s lead author Dr Tomer Shenar, the star’s large mass and rotating nature contributed to this abnormal death. The rapid loss of mass before the collapse might have helped this star to bypass supernova, going straight from star to black hole.
This not only advances the understanding of the physics of stellar death, but spots targets worth putting under watch as uncovered stars can prompt investigation of how binary stars’ secrets change, or don’t change, over time. There might be plenty more to discover.
This novel finding shows how motion is central in the heavens, and offers a window on the final days of massive stars and the mysterious births of black holes. Motion and interaction in the sky are part and parcel of the secrets of nature.
The death of this silent star leaves in its wake not only a glowing, ethereal legacy for our imaginations, but also an expansion of the horizons of our astronomical understanding, by offering new pathways for research into massive stars, their evolution, and the circumstances of how they die.
As technology progresses and our observational techniques mature, new and more subtle observations will surely follow. All of these observational insights are rooted in an understanding of the motions of the heavens, and are critical to unlocking the secrets of our Universe’s most enduring mysteries.
The star’s dramatic plunge directly into a black hole is but one story in this cosmic library, a story about the astrodance of celestial bodies. As motion is a central concept to the entirety of the cosmos, appreciating motion is a key to understanding how both stars and the Universe are born (and die).
But the concept of motion is fundamental in the physics theories we use to talk about the Universe. All the things that happen in astronomy are driven by motion. Planets orbit around stars, stars explode and hurtle outwards through space; all of the large-scale motions that we see in astronomy are central to the physics that tells us how the cosmos works. This silent star’s death spiral to the event horizon of a black hole illustrates the power of stellar motion in driving the Universe onwards.
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