Microsoft has pulled out all the stops in the endless quest for novelty in the gaming world, and sent true fans of the Perfect Dark franchise into a state of shock. A perfect storm seems to be brewing for months now, ever since rumours started spreading about a brand new Perfect Dark game four years ago. The appetite and thirst continue to grow, gathering pace and honing in until Microsoft finally revealed gameplay from the upcoming reboot in the Xbox Games Showcase. The game is produced in collaboration with The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics, promising some seriously emotionally laden nostalgia, alongside a brand new story and gameplay flow. So exactly what makes this reboot instalment by Microsoft so intriguing, with its ability to attract fans from past, present and future?
Where the new Perfect Dark is a reboot of the original, centred around the now-adult Joanna Dark, the new game follows her trainee ‘AEDEN’ as she has to foil the plot of techno-businessman ‘Malthus’ (these inverted commas are my attempt to indicate that it is brilliantly stupid). Against that vividly imagined backdrop, a hyper-real near-future Cairo, it covers a lot of ground in a short space: it’s a three-week adventure, six missions each a few hours or more in length, including flexible gameplay and a ‘global co-op’ mode. Just as Microsoft is blending ’90s-style but lovingly evoked originality with its also older but very different aspirations to be a purveyor of the cutting edge, so ‘Team Perfect Dark’ are taking a 20-year-old game as inspiration, but building a new world and a new story. It’s firmly grounded in the lore of the earlier games, but stands very much on its own feet.
The audacity and bravery of Microsoft’s reboot is evident in the way it blends the first two Perfect Dark games, while still holding true to the heart that fans adopted it for in the first place. In the gameplay trailer, the first glimpse into this reimagining, Microsoft is laying claim to an integrity that would make the original proud; a first step into new territory that doesn’t forgo the comfort of what came before.
At its core, Perfect Dark is still a first-person secret agent shooter, but Matrix-inspired agency of both story and gameplay will see Microsoft (through its in-house developer The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics) reinvent the genre. Inspired by both Deus Ex and the 2019 Fallout series, the reboot will blend a single-player narrative mode with a suite of missions that players can piece together, added to by a layer of choices that will affect the story and, in turn, how players play their games.
Even today, when so much attention is paid to multiplayer experiences, Microsoft is doubling down on the strength of that story and the sense of immersion it created by making its new Perfect Dark a single-player game. Bringing the adventure to a console makes it obvious that Microsoft valued that special sense of narrative and guided experience that made the original such an immersive adventure.
The two co-creators of Perfect Magic, Microsoft’s Lee Perry and D’Rose, seem to embody a wider ambition with the environment design. This isn’t just about bringing back an iconic game, it’s about sending a message. The slum environment of Perfect Magic is set in a fictional Cairo in the near future, and the story is something they’re keen to develop. Microsoft is clearly committed to exploring new frontiers when it comes to world-building, and developing deeper stories.
The new Perfect Dark is a team effort, too – and Microsoft making The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics team up is just the kind of thing we should expect to see the company do more of. That’s what a strategy built around diversity of talent and perspective looks like. This won’t work without synergy.
With the release growing near, Microsoft’s reboot of Perfect Dark looms as a proliferation of what might come when triumphant legacy aligns by way of the new, of a universe waiting to be uncovered – of story. It is in this way that Microsoft is investing its future, investing in the reimagining of what came before as, from the looks of it, the future of gaming itself.
One of the largest technology companies, and an original pioneer of gaming, Microsoft’s legacy in gaming spans decades as it reimagines what’s possible. From creating new gaming hardware and devices, to building out one of the most expansive gaming catalogue libraries in the world, the development of Perfect Dark is another example of what is possible for Microsoft as it continues to focus on empowering gamers. With a visionary dedication to collaboration, storytelling and innovation, Microsoft cements its position as a leader in the gaming space.
This new game isn’t just a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to its gaming past, it’s a promise of its future as a storyteller. The return of Perfect Dark is a promise that Microsoft won’t be relegated to a second-tier games maker: the company can do more than just push pixels. And as the world presses closer to release day, it’s looking more and more like Microsoft’s Perfect Dark will be a game, and a lot more besides.
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