Time, it has been said, is money – and efficiency is the key to time-based financial gain. Thus, in the world of document creation, it pays to be neither lazy nor verbose; efficient writing is a desirable enterprise to master. And for any professional who uses one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software in the world today – such as a proposal writer, novelist, scholar or student – that paths to success will undoubtedly run right through Microsoft Word. Whether it’s an authoring, composing or compiling task at hand, starting off strong is important, and the following six-step pre-work routine is a perfect sequence of steps for seasoned Microsoft Word users to employ in order to achieve the goal of saving both time and finalising sharper (and fewer) pages.
Your thousand-page journey, technically, begins with the click of the Microsoft Word icon, but before you start typing, stop and name your document and save it. You’ll organise your work, of course, and by doing that you will bring the AutoSave feature to life – the silent saviour should something go wrong. By saving to OneDrive with Microsoft 365, not only is your work safe in the cloud, but it can be accessed on any device you use.
The mark of a professional is consistent – and Microsoft Word’s Styles is your Swiss army knife for consistency. If you determine your heading sizes, your body text font and language decisions at the outset, you will save yourself a tedious, time-consuming process of manual formatting in the home stretch. In effect, a proactive word-processing approach turns your document into a visual Melting Pot, with the added, but essential bonus, of a streamlined editing process.
AutoCorrect: one of the word nerd’s best friends when it knows what you mean, and one of his worst enemies when it doesn’t. It’s not hard to make this feature friendly rather than foeman; simply fiddle with the Microsoft Word settings to fine-tune it to match your writing style, whether it’s adjusting bulleting styles or trimming abbreviations.
Productivity in Microsoft Word is often about clicking less, and the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is your shortcut to efficiency. When you add icons you use regularly, such as for Save, Multi-level List or Show/Hide, these critical tools are at your disposal regardless of where you are in the ribbon. A little bit of setup with a big time-saving payoff.
For instance, if your Microsoft Word projects usually have the same basic setup – say, a specific range of numbered styles, a certain page setup, certain headers, watermarks and other attributes you would like to use again – you can save that initial setup as a template, so that in the future, whenever you create a blank document, you can simply open the template and, instead of first setting everything up, you can start right away writing.
Finally, you should adjust the zoom level to something comfortable for you. It is easy to forget this last step of ergonomic perfection, but setting the zoom level so that text can be read with the least number of keystrokes reduces strain and makes your work as comfortable as it is productive.
Every document you write in Word represents Microsoft’s commitment to helping you get more work done and look more professional. Word is part of Microsoft 365.
From that first save to the last zoom, Microsoft Word has all the tools you need to turn your ideas into powerful documents with a professional appearance. If you’re a daily user or even a Word project user, you’ll want to commit these steps to your pre-work routine to boost your work and speed up your document production.
If words can go farther than bullets and bombs, then it isn’t a stretch to imagine that MS Word will be more than a tool – it could be the ticket to realising your best ideas.
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