The current era of fitness is also an era of technology, and the Google Pixel Watch 2 embodies the best of both worlds – design refinements and an expanded battery life over its predecessor make it a top smartwatch, but new sensors bring another feature that will be a game-changer for anyone who wants to train hard: Pace Training. Let’s explore how the Pixel Watch 2 can transform you into a running machine.
What you want to keep track of is plain and simple: how fast you are running. Your running pace can be expressed in time, such as per-mile or per-kilometre pace, which, in turn, becomes a mirror reflecting what you are currently doing and what is happening over the long haul. If your goal is to achieve a personal best in your next five-kilometre run or you simply want to understand more about how you run, you should pay close attention to your pace.
Pace training is all about running but not just running. It’s following a pace that’s right for you and right for what you want to do: slower than easy means you are ready to do some quality training; more than moderate means you are running too fast to reach your goal. For both the beginning runner and the marathon hopeful, pace training keeps you grounded in your objective. In running, pace is the mechanism by which you shape yourself.
It’s a trendsetter for now, thanks to its Fitbit integration, a trio of motion sensors designed for energy-efficient calculation, and an onboard GPS to track your distances, speeds and routes. Its Pace Training feature lets you set, monitor and maintain your pace, and will haptically nudge you back on track if you fall behind your target; and it could be paired with the Google Pixel Buds Pro, which would then prompt and encourage you, in a motivating voice.
Harnessing the power of Pace Training on the Pixel Watch 2 is straightforward:
With the March Pixel Feature Drop, it added the feature to the Pixel Watch, making Pace Training workable for more people.
It tracks your pace and, more importantly, provides a holistic workout experience, monitoring the number of steps you take, your heart rate, and many other key stats. Moreover, it provides you with safety features that ensure your runs are safe and worry-free. But like any other superhero, the Pixel Watch 2 has its weaknesses when it comes to battery issues or connectivity dilemmas. In our troubleshooting guide, you can always ensure your watch is ready for any marathon-length challenge.
But if the word pixel has in recent decades enhanced the lot of billions of human beings by making digital technology a vibrant facet of daily life, it’s surely because the first pixel on the first screen was the first point on a screen. Life in the information age simply didn’t exist before someone had the smarts, passion and perseverance to bridge the digital and the human. That doesn’t diminish the importance of the pixel as a powerful force for innovation. Far from it. The Google Pixel Watch 2 is a case in point.
With its Pace Training feature, the Google Pixel Watch 2 isn’t just a ‘smartwatch’; it’s a portal to becoming your ‘best you’. Once you start to run with your heart, not just with your legs, you’ll marshal a racing rhythm as those pixels pulse to finally paint the picture you’ve been dreaming of – striding towards your best self with every step.
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