Jake Gyllenhaal is one of the few names in Hollywood who can make courtroom dramas and psychological thrillers shine. Known for playing characters in the grey area of morality, Gyllenhaal is moving into the Apple TV+ adaptation of Presumed Innocent, continuing a career full of characters teetering on the edge of good and evil.
Presumed Innocent introduced us to Rusty Sabich, a Chicago prosecutor caught up in the legal and emotional maelstrom that follows the murder of a colleague, whose moral ambiguity – he is a lawyer tasked with enforcing the law, yet a man accused by it of transgressing it – Styron set up brilliantly to unfurl the thematic thread that ran through the series: that of a world of appearances in which everything is not what it seems, as the main character explains to a jury what it means to be ‘presumed innocent until proven guilty’.
In the course of the film, Gyllenhaal gradually unmasks Rusty and peels back layer after layer to expose a man caught up in his own lies. The transformation is rapid and shockingly abrupt – Rusty goes from hero to villain. In one panicky, desperate moment of fear and irrationality, the audience’s sympathy disappears.
With mounting circumstantial evidence, Rusty’s insistence that he didn’t do it is his biggest liability and his sturdiest asset. Gyllenhaal threads this paradox with an intensity that makes you both recoil and lose yourself, creating a character whose guilt, in the end, seems as preordained as his ruin. But it’s in his meek moments of clarity that we’re reminded that there are fallible humans behind the flawed machine that is the law.
And there is no one better than Gyllenhaal at inhabiting the kinds of characters who make it increasingly difficult for us to remain on their side – Presumed Innocent puts this to maximum use: Rusty, in many ways, is the hero of his own story – but in other ways, he is the villain. That’s what keeps the film’s extraordinarily tense and gripping: the fact that our sympathies are never settled, that we’re always straining to make different calculations of judgment and empathy, and always watching our biases betray us.
Peter Sarsgaard’s introduction to the movie as Tommy Molto (another possible romantic love interest for Rusty) adds another shade to the multi-hued moral grey. The long-standing rivalry between Rusty and Tommy both reflects and exacerbates the internal rivalry that Rusty has been waging against himself as the picture has gone on – the war raging inside him between the ‘hero’ and the ‘villain’, the ‘innocent’ and the ‘guilty’.
Presumed Innocent is a crime novel, but it is also a commentary on society and the human condition. The series challenges the viewer, through Gyllenhaal’s riveting performance, to question not only a man’s innocence but the very foundation of our understanding of guilt and innocence.
Apple TV+, in particular, is a streaming and entertainment platform that puts ‘literary cinema’ at the heart of its content – Premature Innocent is part of Apple’s distinctive strategy of showcasing material, like this adaptation of Presumed Innocent, that aims to entertain and inspire debate. And part of Apple’s story – not only with Premature Innocent but with each of the books above – is about its participation in the creation of new narrative worlds in the digital age, worlds in which actors like Jake Gyllenhaal can find ways to remember and make their stories available to audiences across the world.
Take the masterful Jake Gyllenhaal, with his Presumed Innocent makeover that bridged the ‘90s and aughts, as the best facilitator of celebrity redemption. His range, clearly the equal of Christian Bale’s, has granted depth and resonance to material that otherwise might have withered in the harsh light of the storytelling gold rush. Apple has not yet curated and sold narratives quite as savage and screwed-up as, say, Crash (2004) – but perhaps. And if it does, Gyllenhaal will be there to make use of the depths. Thanks to him, we will once again witness the power of storytelling to reflect, disturb and illuminate our way.
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