In the fantastical world of video gaming, where epic battles and mystical realms rule, it’s good to know that the sports world has a corner. If you bleed your alma mater’s colours and need a football fix in your life, perhaps college football – a 10-hour game – is more your thing than the perpetually overhyped but impersonal NFL. Gather ‘round the console, football fans. We’re here to announce the release of EA Sports College Football 25 for PS5. Not only will this game restore your passion for college football but it’s doing it at a price that can’t be beat.
In a year where the sticker price of new video games can cause card-carrying gamers to baulk, there’s a bright spot on the horizon. Beginning Wednesday, 16 October, the quest for the ideal weekend’s activity may, for some of you, end at Walmart. Why? Because of EA Sports College Football 25; yes, that is the sub-title, sub-heading paranoia has set in, arriving at the incredibly low price of $42.99 — the lowest price for this product in the marketplace.
Walmart isn’t just catching a touchdown. It’s setting a record. This PS5 game, EA Sports College Football 25, has a price that is the lowest of its kind we’ve seen, beating Amazon and GameStop along with other leading national retailers. And that means Walmart is the winning team when it comes to expanding your PS5 library at the expense of your wallet. This is your sign if you need to get your game on.
Able to provide play of almost unfathomable quality, the game is a unique blend of nostalgically familiar and revolutionaryally fresh. It’s so good, said seasoned reviewers at Mashable, that it makes the original, 11-year-old Madden look like a ‘Hall of Shame game’. Using words such as ‘ultra-fun, crisp and not too animation-heavy’, seasoned football gamers will find running game play almost too good to be true. It’s a must-have for anyone who loves strategy and really well-tuned game play.
Some might argue that the wait this long between versions of the game means that your expectations are always going to be much higher than the actual product can deliver, but EA Sports College Football 25 isn’t just another entry in your game collection. It’s the revival of a gaming sports experience we’ve badly missed.
There has never been a better time to be a casual fence-straddling fan thinking about adding EA Sports College Football 25 to one’s PS5 library. It’s cheap. But it’s also a huge, characterful, rewarding, authentic football experience that hasn’t been available on PlayStation for more than a decade.
Not quite sure yet? EA Play will give you 10 free hours of game time: subscribe and play first. Find a game you love: we’ll make it worth your while.
Without unmatched loading speeds, without a responsive controller that feels like an extension of the body, and without immersive gameplay, EA Sports College Football 25 would not have played – and played – at this level.
Exploring what PS5 can actually do is about to look like only the beginning: every game release offers new edges to push, and every new patch or DLC or demo offers new promises to continue blurring the boundary.
It’s not a game. It’s an heirloom, a resurrection of a legacy, a campaign for the college football enthusiasts wherein the gamer is transported into a living, breathing media-frenzy of sportsmanship and tactic, and left to impart his own legacy. And now with Walmart making it more accessible than it’s ever been, there’s no better time to indulge in the pinnacle of collegiate footbaling. Slap on that pads, stick on your jersey, your helmet, your headphones, and dive into the gridiron as though it were divine intervention. From the cradles of Messrs EA Sports, we thank you.
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