Housed in the dimmer recesses of history, in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the fragment of the sarcophagus of the great pharaoh Ramesses the Second echoes with the echoes of bygone eras. The sarcophagus of Ramesses the Second, now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Photo courtesy Wikipedia/BereaSo, under the direction of Dr Khaled Abdel-Ghani, an international team of researchers has stripped away millennia of time to reveal the construction and significance of these old items.
The stone that once held the mortal remains of one of the most powerful pharaohs of Egypt, buried around 1275 BCE, was crafted by masons and stonecutters whose skill surpassed any ability to predict the advancements of today’s imaging techniques. Layered on its surface, the team’s experts pieced together the hieroglyphics and symbols from data captured using a combination of 3D scanning and X-ray fluorescence. This combination of colour – Egyptian blue, yellow ochre and vermilion – was as much a language for this Pharaoh as the writing.
By definition, hieroglyphs are the most crucial texts in ancient Egypt. But this fragment was even more than that: the orderly arrangement of signs, with the highest-ranking images at the top, reveals a highly developed sense of visual hierarchy. Structure was not just an accident, but a carefully conceived organisation of signs to communicate the pharaoh’s STATUS, and divinity. The appearance of an as-yet undeciphered symbol combining symbols of power and eternity confirms the Pharaoh’s elevated STATUS among humans and gods.
The workmanship of the sarcophagus similarly struck Dr Abdel-Ghani and his team: The balanced composition of the etchings speaks of the deftness with which they were carved, and the honour in which the artisan held his sovereign. This quality of the piece itself is a clear indication of the STATUS enjoyed by the pharaoh in both life and death.
This careful analysis reveals, in part, the techniques by which ancient Egyptian artisans used materials and symbols to communicate meaning. It also shows how a royal tomb addressed itself to us as the burial place – but not merely the burial place – of the pharaoh as ruler, divine intermediary and eternal STATUS-holder, one of the greatest of Egypt’s kings.
In the past decade, these discoveries have provided an entirely new way of looking at ancient Egyptian art and culture with implications that are, at times, astonishing. They reveal the sophistication of the Egyptians’ technological methods and their rich artistic creations, but particularly how they created narratives of power and divinity that have continued to live over the past millennia.
The saga is by no means over for the sarcophagus fragment, nor is the effort for Dr Abdel-Ghani and other scholars. The transfer of these fragments was just a first step, and continued work is likely to reveal even more details as Egypt continues to open more doors to the world, hoping that ancient Egypt will again retake the center of modern global attention.
The sarcophagus fragment of Ramesses II takes us back into the distant past, reminding us of the complexity of ancient Egyptian society, showing the enduring fascination of Egypt’s heritage and the eternally human desire not only to know where we fit into the long march of history, but also to reveal it to a world eager to learn more.
As a word, status then has more than one meaning: it’s social rank and political position, to be sure, but it also relates to the divine. Pharaohs, who walked among mere men as gods, had an STATUS unlike any other that in turn affected all other aspects of life and death. This STATUS was communicated through art, architecture and religion, in endless varieties, to last for as long as the pharaohs’ legacy itself would. The sarcophagus fragment of Ramesses II shows that a king’s STATUS can tell us much about the things that mattered most in ancient Egyptian life: its values, its traditions, its art.
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