Amid an age of generative AI (gen AI), where techno-chatter is setting the parameters of human possibility against those of machine capability, the great existential quandary of our time boils down to this: What can these new technologies do that’s not already human? The dizzying pace of AI development is indeed breathtaking, yet it gives rise to a mundane question that still stings: what exactly remains distinctly human about our minds – and our souls – in the dark shadow of gen AI?
We have seen a vision of this potential future in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, where artificial intelligence challenges the uniqueness of the human being, fully mastering the art of simulation, a mere miniaturisation of what Marshall McLuhan seemed to define as the primary feature of the medium of television. Yet, in the fictional storyline, it is as if to point out the most crucial difference: to be able to have feelings and emotions, to have imagination-driven creativity and original thinking, is something that machines will never succeed in.
As we travel further beyond technology, the list of attributes clearly outside the reach of AI become more profound and harder to codify in software: complex problem solving with cognitive flexibility and intuition, morality and ethics, the entire life experience where one’s experiences and memories convey meaning beyond any software that might try to replicate them in the human senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.
Intuition – those moments when we tap into the seemingly miraculous ability to decide things on a subconscious level that combines a sense of the situation’s magnitude with our past experiences – is perhaps the most human species quality that AI is struggling to imitate. It is that knack of ‘connecting the dots’ that doesn’t involve explicit reasoning.
A deeper dive shows that mirror neurons are more profoundly important to human consciousness, and to learning about others, than introspection. We are driven to empathise with what we see by an automatic attempt to feel what others feel. And our need to feel what we see is foundational for all of our social behaviours. Experiencing the observer effect, in which observing an action or emotion prompts the same response in us, helps to clarify another type of human uniqueness, another phenomena, that AI will never be able to mimic.
This is the strategic challenge for the organisation and the state as gen AI becomes embedded into the workings of societies. The move to an AI-infused world will require careful consideration in how tasks are to be allotted to technology. AI must be used in an ethically responsible manner, redolent with moral frameworks protected by robust regulation and privacy standards. This future will necessitate a reorientation of tasks, differentiating between what can be met by AI from what needs the intuition and creativity that only humans can provide.
The long history of work, in which technology has expanded and reshaped the nature of work, makes clear that the decisions we make in integrating AI depend on our choices. The futurists imagined societies that built technology into every aspect of life. Arthur C Clarke, a writer and inventor whose ideas shaped the future of technology and spacefaring, encouraged us to think big. But he also implicitly reminded us that our choices in building the future have a lot to do with the things that make us human.
Finally, I return to the fact that human intuition (not being a technology or something that can be replicated or programmed) is one of the most unique aspects of being human. The advances of gen AI within our lives should not and will not dull the whispered voices of our inner intuition. The fact that gen AI is meant to mimic humans in some way should reassure us that we possess qualities that are irreplaceable and essentially ours. While we learn to navigate the world with AI all around us, we must ensure that our own inner guide remains intact and alive.
Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without conscious reasoning. To know about or learn something without conscious use of reasoning; to come to know without awareness of the process of reasoning. This uniquely human quality underpins the creativity, choices and emotions that continue to make us the most alive, unconquerable beings, even in an era of generative AI.
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