With several new AI innovations, Google is trying to make sense of the stream of information that is the internet for us. But while traveling through this new landscape, we have collected some of Google’s strangest AI answers that have been spreading far and wide through social media. So, what does Google AI’s strangest answer look like? Let’s take a look.
Think of asking Google how to stop the cheese on your pizza from melting out the top of the pie. In amongst the standard anecdotes, Google’s AI helpfully suggests you use glue to hold the cheese in place. The advice, lifted word-for-word from a Reddit joke from a decade ago, emphasises just how prone to plagiarism AI can be, rather than practical insight.
In its US presidential trivia, Google’s AI creatively reinterprets possible new benchmarks. The claim that the University of Wisconsin-Madison has been attended by 13 presidents who, between them, received 59 degrees from the university – a laughable combination of facts from a fanciful blog post – would become a textbook example of an AI glitch. It would underscore the need to factcheck Coyne’s writing.
Google’s AI is equally effusive about dogs’ abilities: they have ‘owned hotels and skated into the NHL’. These ridiculous fibs highlight a deeper problem: AI often confuses allegory with fact, making comical mistakes in its conclusions.
At the core of these eerie illusions are predictive-text algorithms, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Google’s very own AI Search, which can make conversation look almost human but can do neither genuinely reasoning nor genuinely understanding. This is merely sophisticated word-spinning, it seems, with none of the content or logic.
The pressure to bring these AI wonders to a limited audience has kicked off a new era of digital exploration – one inspired by a kind of need-for-speed ethos within parts of the tech world. But it has also exposed the vulnerability of using AI as a source of truth. The latest dog joke – that your pooch has been flying all your planes – is really a warning: just because AI can help us to see the world in new ways, it doesn’t mean we should take its pronouncements at face value. We need to check them.
We’ve entered a new age in which answers authored by AI increasingly influence how you experience search, for better and worse. Your interactions with Google’s AI – whether humorous, bewildering, or downright wrong – offer clues about how this technology continues evolving. Your tales could help us chart the strengths and constraints of our quest for information using AI.
Having taken you through Google’s AI schizophrenia, you’ve been introduced to the technology’s current shortcomings as well as its capacity for future refinement. There’s no doubt that Google is committed to designing new search experiences. But we’ve also seen that AI – at least the current artificial intelligence – can only advance if surrounded by humans who check, correct and check again. As we move forward, we should remember to question sentences news articles, and just because something can be written by a computer doesn’t mean it’s been checked by a human. Let’s continue to develop our understanding of how technology can enhance our knowledge.
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