Innovation and creativity, whether applied to the game itself – as the new game Assassin’s Creed Shadows from Ubisoft shows by setting a new instalment in the wildly popular Assassin’s Creed series in Japan in 1579, promising to bring a new sense of realism and strategy to in-game open-world exploration with a sophisticated new system of dynamic weather – or to the interface through which we play those games, is key.
This commitment to gameplay-narrative coherence continues in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, in which changes in seasons alter not just the background environment, but how the world may be navigated.
As the producer Karl Onnée has revealed, the change in seasons from spring to summer afford players subtle environmental advantages: ‘In spring, the earth is covered in grass, tall enough to hide movement. In summer, the lake and streams have warmed, which is ideal for hiding in the water.’
The striptease of the fall leaves might deprive the world of its lush colour, but it also discloses whole new corridors and stratagems of the game-space. Winter, though, is the real test of versatility. Frozen tundra and the crunch of snow underfoot necessitates a more deliberate, strategic way of moving and fighting, lest the elements betray you to your enemy.
Here, it’s not only the visuals that change with the seasons, but the sound (winter winds, in particular, can cover the sounds of your movements, apparently constituting something of a sonic camouflage against those who might be eager to detect you). This level of granularity captures something of the ethos pertaining to Ubisoft’s efforts at creating an experience capable of drawing players into an altered state of consciousness, one in which they must constantly be re-adjusting to their circumstances.
Further to their impact on gameplay, building a world where weather and seasons change keeps the experience true to history, yet allows players to have different experiences – your personal version of the side quest you’re on may play out under pretty green summer leaves while for another player the same side quest is a spring adventure. Thierry Dansereau (the art director) underscored the philosophical approach of assiduous history-keeping while providing room for difference.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows aspires to a feat never before attempted in video gaming: bringing players to the battlefront of the very first North/South War in videogame history, from platforms as various as PlayStation 5 to Xbox Series X|S, or through a streaming service like Amazon Luna, or indeed, on PC, meaning you can plug in wherever you are and dive into this epic saga right from 15 November.
In a growing world of cloud computing where the future of play experience is the burgeoning cloud gaming industry, Amazon Luna can easily provide a solution for all those who want to blast their way across the skies of Grand Theft Auto V without having to spend large amounts of money on hardware you’ll grow out of anyway. This future promises to provide access to vast, lush digital worlds without the tremendous investment required to enter into it. Amazon Luna finally opens a casual pathway to Grand Theft Auto V. Without the hefty investment required for a top-end card, or the internal drive space to store all those sizeable games, a subscription to Amazon Luna can provide access to an incredible world without funding powerful hardware and place it firmly at your digital doorstep.
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Amazon lets you order Assassin’s Creed Shadows early and have special content or a special edition; sometimes they even include free DLC or special early-access content with your pre-order. Check over on Amazon to see if there are any pre-order bonuses available, and boost your Assassin’s Creed Shadows gaming experience before you even start playing.
With Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Shadows, set for release early next year, the series achieves another milestone in the dynamic narrative arc enabled by the changing seasons and weather. As we await its arrival, we begin to appreciate its harbinger: it’s not just a new adventure in feudal Japan that is on everyone’s mind, but also the great leap forward marked by its technological realization. With Amazon Luna and other game streaming services offering new venues, the game is poised to take a place among a select few that begin to move in the direction of melding art and play.
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