When it comes to retro gaming, remastered classics are one of the trends that are not about to end soon. It’s a rather positive development for veteran gamers who grew up on the originals and are now 'youthifying' the new generations by exposing them to their childhood favourites. Ubisoft might be preparing to capitalise on a massive gaming anniversary with the remaster of a much-loved classic first-generation game – Beyond Good & Evil. Rumours about the Beyond Good& Evil 20th Anniversary Edition have been floating around for a while, with its long-awaited release looking imminent. Soon, we will all be able to relive it, or in case you are still a younger gamer, enjoy it for the first time.
Gaming was abuzz when the list of trophies for the Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition dropped online, with VGC revealing the trophies, artwork, and more on the achievement tracking website Exophase. While the trophy list looks fun and interesting, it also gives us a peek of what players will be able to experience in the much-anticipated sequel. The trophy list involves 35 trophies for the players to get, ranging from Bronze to the prestigious Platinum. It prompts players to explore, engage, and discover several aspects of the game, such as story progression, optional challenges, and delightful easter eggs.
Sure, Ubisoft has had nothing to say about the trophy list specifically. However, the Xbox achievements list that leaked last November aligns pretty much exactly with what we should expect, and that’s more than enough to get us fans excited. Just look at the achievements for the remake on Xbox and see what you think. However, eager fans got another boost on 29 November 2023, when Ubisoft replied to a tweet hoping for some more news with one of their own saying: ‘we are excited to talk more about this special edition soon…’ Accompanying the message was an image of Jade.
After all, video games are an industry that has always had one eye firmly on the future. So why does the chance to re-experience those past glories seem so worthwhile? More than just an excuse for nostalgia, Beyond Good & Evil was a game that had a well-rounded narrative and rich characters that you were invested in. It had a world that felt half-real, and that you wanted to explore for more than its gameplay benefits. The remaster is promising to bring those elements back to the forefront, adapted and enhanced for the power (and the eyes) of this generation.
Though the remaster is likely meant as a thank you to the fans who patronise the game and have kept the Beyond Good EVil spirit alive, the remaster also conveys a message to new players that this is a timeless masterpiece, if they can get their hands on it. The opinion expressed in this article is solely the author’s and does not necessarily reflect the views of NOW.
Even as anticipation and speculation for Beyond Good & Evil 2 continue to smoulder, the 20th Anniversary Edition of the original pays beautiful testament to Ubisoft’s hope for its franchise to follow Jade’s lead – by looking back, it looks ahead. As a jaded adult, George finally understands the true magic of Jade’s nal and the portal that took him in. But the scent of something different still lingers.
The leak of its trophy list hints at the single most important thing about the Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition: its imminent announcement is a cause for excitement, drawing fans back to that game they’ve fondly remembered for years. The leak emerges from the critical space for games as they evolve through time, where nostalgia and the entertainment of rereading old stories meet changing demographics and a shifting ethic of gaming.
Within the context of this essay, to ‘discover’ captures the thrill and anticipation of unearthing the hidden and the lost as we plumb the depths of the gaming universe. To discover something – especially in gaming – is to know adventure, not as some frivolous escapade, but rather an expedition fraught with the unknown, trials and tribulations, and difficult toil that culminates in an inherent reward. For some of us, the act of ‘discovery’ involves rediscovering a classic game as it’s re-released in a remastered edition. But for others, it may require more effort in order to uncover the secrets hidden within this bonanza of gameplay. Either way, the act of discovery is at the centre of gaming. It’s about the act of exploration and the joy that comes from uncovering something that has been there awaiting our attention, if only the sands of time had not covered it or the developers’ whetstone sharpened it, ready to reward only the most intrepid explorers who know that gaming, at its best, may be more curious than the great explorers themselves. As we celebrate Beyond Good & Evil’s 20th Anniversary Edition, let’s celebrate the reason why we play – namely, because we love to discover the wonderful adventures that await us.
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