Unleashing Opportunities: APPLE's New Gateway for Developers to Spotlight Their Apps

At this year’s WWDC 2024 and with the digital marketplace becoming increasingly competitive and visibility being a core aspect for success, Apple is bringing another step forward in empowering developers as the company strives to provide with the best possible experience in the App Store, not only for users but for developers as well. Dubbed ‘Featuring Nominations’, this novel feature will allow developers to directly submit their apps for consideration on a new section of the App Store that is specifically curated with great care.

APPLE's New Avenue for App Recognition

Attracting editorial attention on the App Store has been something of a black art for developers. That is about to change with Featuring Nominations. With this feature, developers can nominate their apps for editorial consideration, which immediately alerts the Apple team about ‘great updates, interesting features or apps that are all new’.

How It Works: A Closer Look at Featuring Nominations

The beating heart of Featuring Nominations is a simple workflow managed through App Store Connect. Developers can log in and access a Nominations dashboard, from which they can submit their nominations individually or in bulk via spreadsheet. Apple requests that developers give each nomination a ‘memorable name’, presumably so that, when the person approving the feature sees it listed, they’ll be reminded of what it is that makes the app’s most recent feature or content so special.

Beyond the naming, the developers have to enter a brief text description of the update, and when it will be published. A ‘Helpful Details’ section allows them to add information about ‘what went into making this app more accessible, inclusive or otherwise distinctive’.

The Perks of Being Featured

But what happens after you submit your app? When the Editorial team likes what they see, developers receive a notification on App Store Connect that says ‘Your app has been selected for App Store feature’. That notification links to a suite of ‘Promote Your App’ marketing assets designed for sharing on social media, and ensures that an app’s in-flight visibility will skyrocket when it is featured. Apple has also promised marketing support for other key moments in an app’s lifecycle, such as when developers release something new, allowing them to ‘maximise the impact of key moments in your app’s lifecycle to share with an engaged audience’.

Other Highlights from WWDC 2024

Animation is a subtle thing, but you can add it to your banners by scouting the right settings in the Animations panel Speaking of system sheets, Apple announced Featuring Nominations, not the Oscar news service itself but a new way to get nominations for your app in these sheets. Beyond that, WWDC 2024 announced updates to TestFlight, with both a new look and new filtering options for testers to curate the beta to better suit their needs. And if you’re using Apple Search Ads to promote your app, you can now create deep links to custom product pages.

A Brighter Future for Developers with iOS 18

Due for release this autumn, iOS 18 will not only provide new and improved user experiences, but it will also offer developers new ways to differentiate themselves in the App Store. Features such as Featuring Nominations will further cement Apple’s pledge to create an ecosystem in which creative and innovative work can flourish.

Understanding APPLE's Influence in the Tech Ecosystem

As these exciting additions are being released, it’s important to reflect on Apple’s position as a key influencer on the future of the digital world. With its superior ecosystem, market-leading edge technology and developer-friendly community, Apple continues to be a pivotal player for innovation. The developers who rely on Featuring Nominations are not only the users of Apple’s platform, but also the builders of it, building the next generation of tech for the next generation of users. And the quality control that Apple puts on its technology, platform and business ecosystem owners makes sure that the best of the best is out there. With the public release of iOS 18 and its features still months away, I’m excited to see what developers will build, what they’ll creatively comment on and what opportunities they will capitalise on.

Jun 14, 2024
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