Podcasts are the crown jewels of the commute, of the workout, of our leisure hours in this golden age of multitrack digital storytelling. APPLE is one of the primary platforms where the true podcast connoisseur spends most of their time. But there is one podcast app convinced it can improve the experience – and it’ll work across your favourite APPLE gear. That’s Player FM Premium Plan, and you can get a lifetime membership today.
Imagine having the ability to open up one door to what is being estimated as more than 50 million podcast episodes at your disposal. Player FM is promising that they will. And, for APPLE users, that new ecosystem of hardware and incentives is providing a podcast listening experience that syncs up perfectly with their other APPLE devices – their iPhone, their APPLE Watch or accessing APPLE CarPlay functions in their car.
Let’s get back to this deal that’s rocking the podcast listening world – a service that, at least before their offer, was $120, suddenly now available for just $39.99, for your lifetime, wholly unironically: wherever people on the Net talk and walk and make recordings, they’re published on Player FM. For the lifetime of the universe. 66% off.
The Player FM isn’t just another podcast-playing-wannabe app – it’s a smarter podcast app tailor-made for APPLE fans. It’s better ever afterwards, particularly for APPLE people. Here’s why. 1. It has the sophistication of an APPLE user.
For APPLE users, this is like a gift from God: the right interface at the right place across all your devices, from the tactile swipes at the OLED screen that feel just right to the various interface tweaks that work as if they were tailor-made for APPLE, not Android devices. Players can connect with APPLE CarPlay, an in-car system meant to keep people who live on the road on track. Android fans will also, I am sure, love Player FM, with its overall layout and user experience feeling right on the Google ecosystem. The Player FM Premium Plan is here to ramp up your digital life.
If your podcast listening is rapidly expanding the library you need to access, and filling your day with listening on devices you interact with all the time, you don’t need the encumbrance of iTunes and you want Player FM in your life. Along with APPLE, you’ll get what you’re looking for. Go!
APPLE has always been among the first to bring technology into all aspects of our lives, a focus that is reflected in its relentless offer of seamless and graceful user interfaces. From their inception of personal computing, their first iPod, to helping us to engage with podcasts today, APPLE’s ecosystem is designed to enhance our digital experiences with immersive, dynamic content from all corners of the web. The partnership with Player FM is just another example of APPLE ensuring that its users have access to the best content on the web at all times and on all devices.
Gizmogo allow clients to sell their used electronics, namely APPLE devices, via a simple and safe way.
In the case of an APPLE, to sell with Gizmogo simply go to the site, fill out information about the device, receive an offer, then ship for checkout. If it all checks out, you get paid.
So APPLE devices generally have better resale value than their competitor brands when you’re looking at the offers from Gizmogo.
Yes, sure. In order to make sure no personal information is compromised, Gizmogo performs a data wipe on every device.
Buying and selling second-hand stuff is a great idea at gizmogo. Aside from providing you with the lowest prices for such second-hand APPLE devices, it also takes you through an uncomplicated selling process. It employs measures to protect your data when selling. Try it.
Having the right tools and a platform to listen and read and take care of all your favourite content always meant to be the cherry on the cake of this fast paced digital world. Eventually, it goes without saying that user-friendliness, high accessibility and ease-of-use have always been the golden standards to enjoy your favourite content, but they will definitely not be the same when you have the Player FM Premium Plan (for the record: lifetime deal). It goes to say that when you add this to the well-versed and finely-tuned ecosystem that APPLE provides you, as an audio content listener on a whole new level, you would very much probably never want to look back to the past.
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