How Canon Cameras Can Automatically Back Up Pictures To Google Photos


How often have you taken beautiful photos with your DSLR camera, then forgotten to ever upload them to your computer or phone? Or, perhaps you’re constantly searching for the great photos you took, but you can’t find them on multiple SD cards? To help solve these issues, there’s now a new way to automatically back up every image you take onto Google Photos! Recent models of Canon cameras now work seamlessly with Google Photos to make capturing photos and backing them up to your library an easy, streamlined process. 

The new feature integrates Google and Canon via the Canon mobile app, The app is available on Android and iOS. All you have to do is connect your Canon camera to the app and set it up to automatically transfer images to Google Photos. The transfer will take place when your phone is connected to the camera, and you won’t lose any image quality or size as they transfer. This is a great tool for those who often forget to back up their photos or anyone who takes a lot of images and needs a simpler way to store them. 

How to automatically back up pictures from Canon cameras to Google Photos

In order to automatically back up pictures from your Canon camera to Google Photos, you’ll need to make sure you meet these two requirements first:

Then, follow these steps to automatically back up pictures on Google Photos from your Canon camera: 

  • Install the app
    • For PC and Mac desktop users, log in through’s online portal
      • You’ll want to install the software for on your desktop
      • Then, launch the software
      • Log in to
  • Once you’ve installed the program it will automatically launch
    • Open the Operations menu in the app
    • Click on User Authentication and login with your Canon ID, or create a Canon account if you don’t already have one
    • Then, you’ll be automatically directed to the screen for selecting your image’s destination.
    • Choose the folder where you’d like images to save, then click Okay
  • Now that your devices are all set up, new images from your camera will download to, then automatically onto your computer when the program is launched!

Benefits of using the new Google Photos and Canon App

Original Quality

Using this function means you can back up your photos in their original quality to Google Photos, through Canon’s phone app. They won’t become compressed or lose resolution while sending. 

Easier to Manage Photos

This new auto-sending ability makes it easier to manage, share and edit original photos. It’s much easier to stay organized through folders in Google Photos than with images on physical SD cards! 

Automatic Transfers 

No need to constantly remember to back up your images, you can save as you go. This removed the typical manual process of connecting either your camera or memory cards physically to your computer — which is especially helpful as many devices are phasing out SD card readers in their designs. 

Extra Storage (at an extra price)

You’ll also get the benefit of additional storage, but this comes at a cost. In order to save images automatically from Canon to Google Photos, you will need a Google One membership. Users will receive a month-long free trial of the program, which provides access to 100 GB of cloud storage. Plus, you get other benefits like premium support, and family sharing with up to 5 people.

If you need a way to keep your images organized and easily transfer photos to your library, this new program could be a great answer for you! However, if you’re still using an older Canon model, your device may not be compatible with this new program. Want to upgrade to a newer Canon camera? Sell your old device to Gizmogo, and use the cash we’ll give you to get a fully compatible, brand-new Canon.


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